2005 - 2006 National Collegiate Weather Forecasting Contest Homepage

Dear NFC Participants:

Listed to the right are this year's NFC cities along with links to a wide variety of forecast products. Visit the links below for more information on the contest, including the official rules maintained by the NFC administrators at Penn State University.

The Secret to achieving a Top 10
"Team MU" Ranking...

...enter a thoughtful forecast EVERY day!

"Missed forecasts" are a killer. Commit to entering a forecast every day, and you will outperform the masses!

Millersville University participants, click here to enter your forecast.

Your forecast is due by 7:00pm.

Any questions or comments about the NFC? E-mail local NFC Chairman.

A few thoughts about NFC:
While this is an individual contest, you are encouraged to have group map discussions and/or talk to other participants about the forecast at hand. Ask senior forecasters for their opinion (I'm sure they'll share their thoughts), offer your insight to other forecasters and develop a general consensus about the situation. However, always enter your own forecast and do not be overly swayed by any single forecaster. Weigh model guidance carefully, but remember that the goal is to beat guidance (and everyone else). Good luck and have fun!

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