#!/usr/local/bin/perl #-------------------- # # Program Name:archive24.cgi # # Created by: Eric J. Horst # Millersville University # # # Activation Date: June 1998 # Modified April 1999 # Copyright 1998; all rights reserved. #-------------------- # # This program is designed to take weather data collected # via RainWise equipment and archeive last 24-hours of hourly # data. To be run by cron each day at midnight. # #--------------------IMPORTANT--------------------- # Two modifications need to be performed each year: # 1.) create new year directory in Archive (ie. mkdir 2000) # 2.) create new monthly subdirectories (ie. Jan, Feb...) in 2000 dir # #------ # Handle the web interface #------ # Print out a content-type for HTTP/1.0 compatibility print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # Get the input read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); # Split the name-value pairs @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value; } #----- Here's where the fun begins -----# # Variable initialization and program setup @DATA = `tail -3001 /var/data/wls8000/weather.TXT | head -3000`; $obs48 = 1; $switch = "on"; $datamiss = "false"; $base = ""; # test variables $dew_point = 1; $wind_chill = 2; chop($mospell = `date '+%b'`); chop($month = `date '+%m'`); chop($year = `date '+%Y'`); chop($today = `date '+%d'`); # OUTFILE names below need changed once per year # ALSO, the directory in which the CGI runs must be increased for new year if ($today == 1) { if ($month == 1) { $outfile = "31Dec98.html"; } elsif ($month == 2) { $outfile = "31Jan98.html"; } elsif ($month == 3) { $outfile = "28Feb98.html"; } elsif ($month == 4) { $outfile = "31Mar98.html"; } elsif ($month == 5) { $outfile = "30Apr98.html"; } elsif ($month == 6) { $outfile = "31May98.html"; } elsif ($month == 7) { $outfile = "30Jun98.html"; } elsif ($month == 8) { $outfile = "31Jul98.html"; } elsif ($month == 9) { $outfile = "31Aug98.html"; } elsif ($month == 10) { $outfile = "30Sep98.html"; } elsif ($month == 11) { $outfile = "31Oct98.html"; } else { $outfile = "30Nov98.html"; } } else { $yday = $today - 1; chop($outfile = `date '+$yday%b%y.html'`); # Setup output file } open(OUTPUT, "> archive/$year/$mospell/$outfile"); # output to proper dir #------ # Print header info #------ printf OUTPUT "\nHourly Observations at MU\n"; printf OUTPUT "\n\n"; printf OUTPUT "
\nM.U. Hourly Observations file: \n\n"; printf OUTPUT "$outfile"; printf OUTPUT "\n"; printf OUTPUT "\n"; printf OUTPUT "\n\n\n"; @REVDATA = reverse(@DATA); # Reverse the order of the array $counter = `date '+%H'`; # Start my counter based on current hour chop($counter); foreach $element (@REVDATA) { if ($counter == "00") { # Keep with the 24 hour clock $counter = 24; } if ($obs48 == "26") { # Total number of obs to take + 2 last; } if($element ne "\n"){ ($placeholder, $time2, $date2, $winddir, $windspd, $solar, $intemp, $outtemp, $rh, $barometer, $rainday, $rainmon, $raintot) = split (/ +/, $element); $ptend = substr($barometer, -1); # strip off the units of each variable substr($windspd, -3) = ""; chop $solar; chop $intemp; chop $outtemp; chop $rh; chop $barometer; substr($rainday, -2) = ""; substr($rainmon, -2) = ""; substr($raintot, -4) = ""; # take year off the date substr($date2, -3) = ""; ($hour, $min) = split(/:/, $time2); chomp($min); #$hour2 = substr($hour,1); $hour2 = $hour; if($hour2 =="00"){$hour2=24;} if ($hour2 == $counter) { if ($min eq "00") { # Pick out only the hourly data; &process_data(); $counter--; $obs48++; } # End of hourly data loop } # End of hour=counter loop else { while ($counter - $hour2 >= 2) { $datamiss = "true"; &process_data(); $counter--; if ($counter == "00") { $counter = 24; } $obs48++; } if ($min ge "55") { &process_data(); $counter--; if ($counter == "00") { $counter = 24; } $obs48++; } else { if ($datamiss eq "true") { $base = "invalid"; &process_data(); } else { $datamiss = "true"; &process_data(); } $counter--; if ($counter == "00") { $counter = 24; } $obs48++; } } # End of missing data line } #end of blank data line } # End of foreach loop printf OUTPUT "

\n\n"; printf OUTPUT "\n"; close OUTPUT; `chmod 744 archive/$year/$mospell/$outfile`; sub process_data { if ($base ne "miss") { if ($switch eq "off") { ($placeholder, $element_time2, $element_date2, $element_winddir, $element_windspd, $element_solar, $element_intemp, $element_outtemp, $element_rh, $element_barometer, $element_rainday, $element_rainmon, $element_raintot) = split(/ +/, $element); substr($element_windspd, -3) = ""; chop $element_solar; chop $element_intemp; chop $element_outtemp; chop $element_rh; chop $element_barometer; substr($element_rainday, -2) = ""; substr($element_rainmon, -2) = ""; substr($element_raintot, -4) = ""; substr($element_date2, -3) = ""; ($placeholder, $base_time2, $base_date2, $base_winddir, $base_windspd, $base_solar, $base_intemp, $base_outtemp, $base_rh,$base_barometer, $base_rainday, $base_rainmon, $base_raintot) = split(/ +/, $base); substr($base_windspd, -3) = ""; chop $base_solar; chop $base_intemp; chop $base_outtemp; chop $base_rh; chop $base_barometer; substr($base_rainday, -2) = ""; substr($base_rainmon, -2) = ""; substr($base_raintot, -4) = ""; substr($base_date2, -3) = ""; if ($datamiss eq "false") { $hrrain = $base_rain - $element_rain; } else { $hrrain = "n/a"; } # calculations for dewpoint $constant = 461.51; $temp_kel = (($base_outtemp - 32) * 5/9)+273.15; $lat_heat = (2.5019 - (.00254 * ($temp_kel - 273.15))) * 10**6; $terma_value = $temp_kel * $constant/$lat_heat; $termb_value = -1 * (log($base_rh/100)); $dew_kel = $temp_kel/(($terma_value * $termb_value) + 1); $dew_point = int(($dew_kel - 273.15) * 9/5 + 32); # calculations for wind chill # if($base_windspd < 4) # { # $K_value = 4096; # } # elsif($base_windspd >41) # { # $K_value = 6480; # } # else # { # $K_value = 2670.13458+(1047.3735*(log($base_windspd))); # } # $denom = (91.4 - $base_outtemp) * $K_value; # $wind_chill = int(91.4 - ($denom/4096)); &print_data(); $base_obs48 = $obs48; if ($datamiss eq "true") { $base = "invalid"; $switch = on; } else { $base = $element; } } else { # Switch is "ON" if ($datamiss eq "true") { if ($base eq "invalid") { &missing_data(); $base_obs48 = $obs48; $datamiss = "false"; $base = $element; $switch = off; } else { $base = "invalid"; $base_obs48 = $obs48; } } elsif ($datamiss eq "false" && $base eq "invalid") { &missing_data(); $base_obs48 = $obs48; $base = $element; $switch = off; } else { $base_obs48 = $obs48; $base = $element; $switch = off; } } } # End of $base ne miss else { # $base=miss &missing_data(); $switch = on; } } # End of process_data subroutine sub print_data { chop($base_rh); # Get rid of annoying ^M chop($base_rh); # Get rid of annoying ^N chop($time = substr($base_time2,1)); # Get rid of "" on the time chop($date = substr($base_date2,1)); # Get rid of "" on the date printf OUTPUT "\n"; printf OUTPUT "%s%s%s%s%s%s%2.2f%s%s%2.2f\n\n\n", $base_obs48, $date, $time, $base_outtemp, $dew_point, $base_rh, $base_barometer, $base_winddir, $base_windspd, $hrrain; } # End of print_data subroutine sub missing_data { printf OUTPUT "\n"; printf OUTPUT "$base_obs48missmissmissmissmissmissmissmiss \n\n\n"; } # End of missing_data subroutine